Tuesday, February 10, 2015

2.10.15 - Daniel

Crossover symmetry warm-up

4 rds not for time. 
5 snap to Hollow
5 super mans (feet together legs straight)

8 min Emom
1-2 bar muscle ups

Daniel: did 1 emom felt hard. Then 8min Power clean emom ladder. Went up to 275. 

For time 
20 thrusters 55/75lbs
20 BF burpees
20 CTB

20 thrusters 75/115lbs
20 BF burpees
20 CTB

20 thrusters 95/135lbs
20 BF burpees
20 CTB

Daniel: 14:50. Burpees killed me. C2B felt ok. 

Sent from my iPhone

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