Saturday, November 14, 2009

Saturday 091114

Hang Snatch 80% 3r, 75% 2x3
Clean & Jerk 80% 2c/1j, 80% 1/2, 80% 2/1, 80% 1/2, 80% 1/1
Snatch Pull 80% (of 110%) 3r, 85% 3x3, 80% 3r, 80% 2r
Front Squat 80% 3r, 85% 2r, 80% 4x3
Good Mornings 80% 3x3, 80% 2x2

Then max reps of:
Dumbbell Press

HS: 65, 65, 65
C&J: 95, 105 for the rest
SP: 85, 95x3, 85, 85
FS: 105, 115 for the rest
GM: 85, 95x2, 115x3

10 reps of 25# DBP
5 reps L-sit
22 GHD

WU HS: 5x65, 3x95, 3x115
HS: 155, 145, 145
C&J: 165, 185, 205, 205, 205
SP: 185, 195x3, 185, 185
FS WU: 5x165, 3x195, 3x225)
FS: 260, 275, 260x4
GM: 225x3, 225x2

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