Wednesday, June 11, 2008


WOD 080611
Deadlift 5-5-5-5-5 @ 395lbs
Daniel did the workout at the new Crossfit Chatt facility today. The max amount of bumpers he could put on the bar was 395#. So he did 5x5 deadlifts, instead of the prescribed 5x3. This was a new PR for 5reps.
Tonight, Momma D and Caroline are coming up to see Josh Turner at Riverbend. Woot!

Yesterday, Daniel did WOD 080607 at the ghetto Chatt rec center.
5rds of: 7 reps of 135# squat cleans and 15 HSPUs
He only made through 2 rd of HSPUs, then did regular push-ups for the last 3 rds. Time: 16:30. He says his ant. deltoids were tore up from climbing, but HSPU are killer anyway.

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